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Fort Lauderdale Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Brain Injuries

If you or a loved one has suffered a traumatic brain injury in an accident that someone else caused, contact our firm for a free initial consultation today.

Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers

A brain injury can change your life forever.

That’s why you need a lawyer who specializes in brain injuries on your side.

A traumatic brain injury, or TBI, is an injury to the brain following an impact to the head or skull that can come in a range of forms including concussions, brain contusions, anoxic brain injuries, and penetrating injuries. Each of these injuries has the potential to completely derail a victim’s life, and in many cases they may be fatal. If left untreated, a seemingly-minor TBI can cause many complications, both short-term and long-term, so your medical care must be your absolute top priority following a blow to the head.

Once you have gotten your initial medical care sorted, you will want to consider your legal options if someone else caused the accident where you were injured. When someone else causes an accident due to their own negligence, recklessness, or malice, this opens the pathway to a personal injury claim that may be resolved through an insurance claim, a settlement agreement, or a lawsuit in the Florida courts. A personal injury lawyer can help.

brain injury lawyer: x ray


Contact Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC For a Free Consultation Today

Our firm offers a free initial consultation and case evaluation for victims of traumatic brain injuries and many other personal injuries. We understand how overwhelming these early days following a TBI can be, especially as you try to make sense of your legal options at the same time that you are focusing on your recovery. Whether you are filing a claim with the at-fault party’s insurance company or trying to understand how to seek compensation from them directly, working with an experienced catastrophic injury attorney is one of the best ways to prioritize your recovery AND your legal issues concurrently.

Contact us as soon as possible so we can discuss your accident, your injuries, and how we can help you move forward towards justice. You do not deserve to shoulder the financial burden of someone else’s dangerous behavior, and we will fight for the money you deserve while you focus on your recovery.

Types of Traumatic Brain Injuries

The following four examples offer high-level explanations of the types of traumatic brain injuries. However, this list is not meant to be comprehensive or to be taken as medical advice: contact your doctor immediately if you suspect that either you or a loved one has suffered a TBI.


Concussions  happen when the brain bounces back and forth in the skull, leading to localized injuries on the brain surface and chemical changes as a result. Depending on the force of the blow and the damage done, concussions can range from mild symptoms to severe, and can last anywhere between a few days to a few months. If left untreated, a concussion can have long-term impacts on the victim, and must be treated immediately.


brain contusion is a bruise on the brain, which, as you can imagine, can lead to a variety of symptoms almost entirely stemming from the increased pressure on the location. Surficial bruising is most often left to resolve itself, but bruising on the brain requires immediate treatment so a medical professional can develop a recovery plan and work to avoid complications. 

Anoxic Injuries

Loss of oxygen to the brain is a major problem, and a short time of lost oxygen to the brain can cause permanent damage or death. Anoxic injuries can be sustained from assaults, choking, strokes, blood clots, and a number of other causes that someone else may be responsible for. Regardless of the cause, the most important thing is that the victim does not shoulder the financial burden of an injury that someone else caused, which is why the team at Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC is here to help.

Penetrating Injuries

A penetrating brain injury is one where an object penetrates through the skull and enters the brain. This can be a piece of bone following a major impact, or may be a foreign object. Regardless of the type of object that has penetrated the brain, these types of injuries require immediate medical attention and ongoing treatment. These injuries are extremely serious, and if someone else caused it, you will want to work with an attorney who understands how to effectively calculate and fight for long-term impacts of an injury.

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