Seeking Compensation: Synovo Hip Lawsuits Guide

What are the reasons behind Synovo Hip Lawsuits being filed?

Synovo Hip Lawsuits are filed due to allegations of Synovo hip implants causing severe side effects like metallosis, tissue damage, pain, and the need for revision surgeries. Patients claim the manufacturer failed to warn about these risks, leading to legal action seeking compensation for their suffering.

Synovo hip lawsuits have been filed due to defective hip replacement products causing severe complications such as metal poisoning, implant failure, tissue damage, and chronic pain. Patients have experienced the need for revision surgeries and long-term health issues, leading to legal actions against Synovo.

Key Highlights

  • Due to changes made since 2019, people are starting to file lawsuits against the Synovo Total Hip System.
  • After noticing these problems, the FDA stepped in with warnings and legal steps because Synovo did not get approval for big alterations they made to their hip replacement products.
  • For those who got a Synovo hip implant after 2019, there is a chance you might face troubles like pain, the device not working right, and having to go through expensive surgeries again.
  • If you have had problems because of the Synovo Total Hip System, it looks like you could sue them and ask for money back for your injuries and what you spent on medical care.
  • Getting help from experienced medical device trial attorneys like Bernheim Kelley is key. The personal injury law firm can guide you on if you have a strong Synovo hip lawsuit case and how much the case may be worth.

Synovo hip lawsuit


The Synovo hip lawsuits are making waves. People who have had trouble with these devices have taken legal steps to address their issues. By looking into FDA warnings, claims made against Synovo, and hearing from those directly affected, we get a clearer picture of what is going on with the total hip replacement system components. The article also looks at who can take part in these lawsuits and what kind of compensation they might expect.

Overview of Synovo Total Hip System Lawsuits

After the FDA issued warnings, there has been a sizable increase in Synovo hip lawsuits. This is mainly because of serious complaints about how Synovo changed their hip systems. People who got these implants have had a tough time, often needing expensive surgeries to fix the problems caused by these failures. It is important to get what went wrong with these devices, like design mistakes and health issues they caused. Lawyers and experts are key in helping those affected deal with such a tricky situation as seen in a recent investigation by KFF Health and CBS News.

The Surge in Lawsuits Post-FDA Warning

After the FDA issued a warning, there has been a big jump in lawsuits against Synovo. People are saying these devices failed and caused problems, so they are taking legal action for all the trouble. This FDA alert really got things moving by highlighting the issues with Synovo hip implants. Now, through these lawsuits, patients want to make sure their complaints are heard and that Synovo is held responsible for the complications and failures associated with their Synovo replacement devices.

Key Allegations Against Synovo’s Hip Systems

Synovo is under fire for not being up to par, causing them to break down too soon. This has led to pain and damage to the body for some people. They have had problems with metal bits getting into their bodies, too much cobalt in their system, and parts like the femoral cups and acetabular fixations not staying put. There is worry that they did not tell patients enough about what could go wrong, showing there is a big need for better checks on quality and making sure things are safe. People have taken Synovo to court, saying they took too long to fix these known issues. Because of this delay, patients’ health was put at risk, which ended up needing expensive surgeries to correct those mistakes.

Exploring the FDA’s Warnings and Actions

Starting from 2019, the FDA has been sending out warnings about Synovo that have affected both patients and those providing healthcare. The key issues were with how safe and effective these devices were, which made the FDA ask for substantial changes. With safety communication, the FDA pointed out the dangers of using Synovo’s Hip Systems. This led to more people looking closely at whether these products meet all the rules they should, including quality audits. Through what the FDA did, it became clear just how important it is to keep an eye on medical devices and fix any problems found.

Timeline and Impact of FDA’s Warnings Since 2019

In 2019, the FDA raised red flags about Synovo’s hip replacement devices, pointing out worries over how safe and effective they were. This caused people to pay more attention to what the company was doing and its products, raising concerns about patient safety. After these warnings came out, there was a big jump in lawsuits against Synovo. It showed how important it is for regulators to keep an eye on things so that medical replacement devices are safe for everyone.

Specific Concerns Raised by the FDA on Synovo Hip Modifications

The FDA pointed out concerns about changes Synovo made to its Total Hip Resurfacing System. These modifications, including the Femoral Resurfacing Cup, Acetabular Fixation Cup, and Acetabular Bearing, could potentially put patients at risk or cause the devices to not function properly. If you are thinking about getting a total hip replacement surgery, it is important to know about these specific concerns raised by the FDA.

Personal Stories: The Human Impact of Failed Hip Implants

After getting a Synovo hip implant, injured parties have shared their stories about how tough it has been when the device did not work right. They talk about dealing with constant pain, not being able to move around much, and sometimes needing more surgeries to fix things. Going through all this can really wear someone down, messing with both their everyday life and how they feel inside. It shows that there is a big need to tackle problems in making sure medical devices are safe so no one else must go through such challenging times.

Patients’ Experiences with Synovo’s Hip Systems

Patients who have gotten hip implants from Synovo have had mixed reactions. On one hand, there are folks who say they are moving better and hurting less after their operations. But on the other side, people have run into big problems that require additional surgeries, highlighting the potential side effects of Synovo hip replacement products. Going through all this has been tough, messing with their everyday lives and bringing a bunch of health issues to deal with. Hearing these personal stories highlights how important it is to look at each person’s experience when talking about lawsuits related to Synovo hip systems.

Life After Revision Surgery: Costs and Recovery

After getting revision surgery for Synovo hip implants, people find themselves facing not just physical hurdles but also financial strain. The expenses from more surgeries, care after the operation, and getting back on their feet can really pile up and hit their finances hard. On top of that, recovering from this kind of surgery can take a lot out of you. It often means having to take time off from work and struggling with everyday tasks. Dealing with all this can feel like too much sometimes, which is why it is crucial to think about legal options to get the right support and compensation.

Legal Insights: Navigating Synovo Hip Lawsuit Claims

To get through a Synovo lawsuit, it is important to know if you are eligible to file one. People need to fit certain criteria before they can take legal steps. The money folks might get from this varies because it depends on things like their medical bills, any income they missed, and the stress they have been through emotionally. By getting help from lawyers who have experience with product liability cases, those affected stand a better chance in court. Experienced personal injury attorneys like Bernheim Kelley can walk you through what needs to be done legally and give advice on compensation could be possible while fighting for their rights effectively.

Eligibility Criteria for Filing a Lawsuit

If you are thinking about taking legal action because of problems with a Synovo Hip implant, it is usually necessary to have gone through complications or injuries caused by this medical device. To meet the requirements for filing a lawsuit, having proof from doctor’s records showing how the hip implant hurt you is important. It is smart to talk to a lawyer like Bernheim Kelley with deep mass tort and personal injury case experience involving medical devices. On top of that, knowing when you need to file your claim is key so that you do not miss getting help due to time running out.

What Compensation Can Affected Patients Expect?

Patients who were impacted can look forward to getting money back for their medical bills, wages they missed, the pain and hardship they went through, and the cost of care they will need later. How much of a settlement depends on their own situation and the trouble a faulty hip implants caused them as determined by jury awards and settlements.

The Role of Legal Representation in Synovo Lawsuits

The Role of Legal Representation in Synovo Lawsuits

When it comes to dealing with Synovo hip lawsuit claims, having a good lawyer by your side is important. If you pick someone who knows their way around product liability and medical device issues, they can make a significant difference in how things turn out for you. They are there to fight on behalf of people who have been affected, making sure every part of the case is looked at closely. This helps figure out what kind of money those suing might get. Plus, experienced trial lawyers like Bernheim Kelley are great at handling all the tricky parts of the law, talking things through with others involved or even going to court if needed. This makes everything less stressful for folks trying to get fairness after what they have gone through.

Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Case

Finding the right lawyer for your Synovo hip lawsuit is key to winning your case. You should look for a law firm like Bernheim Kelley that knows its way around complicated medical device cases and has won hip implant lawsuits before. At Bernheim Kelley, you will receive a free consultation to evaluate the merits of your case. Scheduling a free consultation with a Synovo hip lawsuit attorney like Bernheim Kelley who has secured favorable jury verdicts for plaintiffs in defective medical device claims is a crucial step.

In this meeting, an experienced lawyer will go over what happened to you and figure out if you can take legal action against Synovo. They will walk you through how everything works legally, talk about what might happen next, and clear up any questions hanging in your mind. Do not be surprised if they give you their mobile number so you have direct access and communication with your attorney.

It is important to retain a proven law firm that has successfully settled or won court decisions for people hurt by faulty medical devices. Do not forget to ask if they have dealt with multidistrict litigation (MDL) because there is a chance Synovo hip lawsuits could be grouped together in an MDL.

Choosing the right attorney means protecting yourself properly and boosting your odds of compensation. The compensation you receive could be life-changing for you and your family.

How a Qualified Lawyer Can Be Effective

Having a good lawyer by your side can really change the game in your Synovo hip lawsuit. Bernheim Kelley promises to offer you solid advice and make sure everything goes smoothly, keeping your rights safe and helping you get what is fair.

With deep knowledge of how tricky medical device cases can be, Bernheim Kelley knows exactly how to work through the legal maze for you. By collecting evidence and talking to witnesses, they will put together a compelling argument that backs up your claim. On top of that, the firm is no stranger to winning. Experience with similar cases can boost your chances of getting a positive result.

Choosing someone skilled for this fight levels the playing field because it puts someone who knows all about jury verdicts and has fought many court battles over medical devices right in your corner. This way, you feel more secure knowing an expert is taking care of you so that you stand the best chance at success.

Understanding the Technical Failures of Synovo Hip Systems

The Synovo Total Hip Resurfacing System has run into problems with manufacturing, which has led to the devices not working as they should. This can really hurt and make it hard for people who got them to move around easily.

Because of significant changes made to parts of the Synovo Total Hip System without getting the okay from FDA first, there are issues with how these hips work now. These changes strayed from what was originally approved by FDA, raising concerns about whether these hip implants are safe and do their job properly. The FDA warned healthcare providers not to use the Synovo Total Hip Resurfacing System due to these significant changes, which could lead to device failure and require patients to undergo costly and complex revision surgeries.

With these technical hiccups, folks might hear noises like clicking or grinding from their hips or find it tough to bear weight on them. Fixing this problem often means going through more surgery that could set someone back over $40,000. It is crucial for anyone with the Synovo Total Hip System installed to know about these risks and think about talking to a lawyer if they have had trouble because of it.

Analyzing the Design Flaws Leading to Litigation

Synovo has run into some legal trouble because of changes made to its parts without getting the okay from the FDA. These changes were not in line with what was originally approved, leading to worries about how safe and effective these hip implants are.

From 2019, people who got Synovo hips might face problems like pain, their device not working right, and possibly needing more surgery because of these issues.

Because of these design mistakes, there are now lawsuits against Synovo. People hurt by these faulty hip implants say it is the company’s fault and want money for their medical bills, pain they have gone through, and other losses caused by the flawed design of the total hip system.

The Medical Consequences of Device Failure

When the Synovo hip implant devices do not work right, it can really turn someone’s life upside down. People might start feeling pain and discomfort, and moving around could become hard for them. This means doing simple day-to-day stuff gets tough.

If one of these hip implants stops working properly, you may need another operation to take out the bad one and put in a new one that works. These follow-up surgeries are not easy; they are complicated and come with their own set of risks like catching an infection or taking a long time to get back on your feet. It is important to note that the decision to undergo surgery should be made in consultation with a trusted healthcare provider who can provide guidance and support throughout the process.

For anyone who has had trouble with their Synovo hip implant, talking to your doctor is super important. They are there to check out what is going wrong, help fix it up as best as they can, and walk you through what steps you might want to consider next if thinking about legal action.

Your doctor will also keep track of all the health problems caused by the faulty implant, which could be key info if you decide to go ahead with a Synovo hip lawsuit against those responsible for making these implants. Getting medical help quickly and listening closely to what your healthcare provider suggests are crucial moves not just for getting better but also for any legal fight you might have ahead.

Insights from Legal Professionals and Medical Experts

When it comes to Synovo lawsuits, getting advice from legal and medical experts is helpful. These professionals know the law and health issues related to device failure, making it easier for patients to deal with their cases.

For starters, lawyers who are good at handling cases about medical devices can guide you on how to start a lawsuit, talk terms for settlements, or stand up for you in court. They are clued up on product liability claims, which means they can give solid advice as your case moves forward. Additionally, lawyers who specialize in medical device cases like Bernheim Kelley work on a contingency fee basis, ensuring that legal fees apply when you receive compensation for the harm caused by this defective medical device. This allows individuals seeking legal help and compensation to have peace of mind and focus on their case without the added stress of upfront legal fees.

On the health side of things, doctors who have treated folks with Synovo hip implants share what they know about how these failures affect people’s lives. Their input not only makes your claim stronger but also helps highlight why compensation is needed because of the impact on quality of life. Bernheim Kelley has a network of doctors and experts familiar with Synovo hip system defects.

By taking tips from both legal and medical pros, anyone filing a Synovo hip lawsuit has a better shot at winning their case or getting fair compensation.

Medical Expert Opinions on Synovo’s Hip Systems

Medical experts are super important when it comes to talking about how safe and effective Synovo’s hip systems are. These folks, like orthopedic surgeons and other healthcare pros, have a deep knowledge of hip replacements. They understand what could go wrong and the good things that can come from several types of devices.

With their knowledge, medical experts can provide valuable opinions on the design and potential health effects of the Synovo Total Hip Replacement System. This is especially important for individuals taking legal action due to issues with their Synovo hips, as these opinions can strengthen their case with solid evidence.

Bernheim Kelley would source and work with respected medical experts who would share what they know in court. Everyone listening – like jurors and judges – will get a clearer picture of why certain devices do not work as expected and why another surgery might be necessary. By getting insights from these medical professionals, patients have a better shot at winning their cases against Synovo for injuries caused by device failure or needing revision surgery due to potential risks associated with total hip systems.


If you or someone close to you may be experiencing problems with the Synovo Total Hip System, it is important to know what your legal rights and choices are. Trying to get compensation and figuring out the ins and outs of lawsuits can seem like too much, but remember you are not on your own in this. By getting help from lawyers who know their way around Synovo hip lawsuits well, they can guide you through everything so that seeking justice does not feel as daunting. Your health and happiness are super important. So do not wait any longer; reach out for the help that is there for you. Get in touch with Bernheim Kelley now if a free consultation is something you think could benefit from.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I File a Lawsuit If My Surgery Was Before 2019?

Even if your hip surgery happened before 2019, you might still have the chance to take legal action. This is because the FDA warning regarding changes to the Synovo Total Hip System starting in 2019 covers everyone who got these devices, no matter when their operation was. To figure out if you can pursue a lawsuit and look into what steps you can take next, it’s important to talk with an experienced lawyer at Bernheim Kelley who knows about cases involving total hip systems like the Synovo Total Hip System and understands how FDA warnings affect them.

What Evidence Do I Need to Support My Lawsuit?

If you are thinking about taking legal action because of problems with your Synovo hip, gathering the right proof is crucial. You will need to collect things like medical records that show you had hip surgery and any issues or complications that came up after. It is also key to have notes from your healthcare provider about your condition and the treatments you have gone through. To make sure you know exactly what evidence will help your case, it’s a good idea to speak with a lawyer who can guide you through this process.

How Long Do Synovo Hip Lawsuits Take to Settle?

How long a Synovo hip lawsuit takes can really depend on a bunch of things like how complicated the case is, the number of plaintiffs suing, and what is happening in court. Getting to a settlement might take quite some time too – we are talking months or even years. For the nitty-gritty details about your own situation, it’s best to schedule a chat with a medical device lawyer who can give you an idea based on what’s going on with your specific case involving Synovo hip issues.

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