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Fort Lauderdale Slip and Fall Lawyer

Fraud Cases

Fraud is a very legitimate concern for private citizens and businesses alike, and fraudulent injury claims can be devastating. Read more.

Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers

Fraud is a very legitimate concern for private citizens and businesses alike, and fraudulent injury claims can be absolutely devastating to the party these claims are levied against. However, there are other times when a legitimate victim of a personal injury case is either outright accused of fraud, or it is suggested by the at-fault party that the claims are illegitimate. In these cases, it is important for the victim to partner with a respected and experienced personal injury attorney who can help clarify the situation and build a clear case on behalf of their client in order to recover the damages that a victim is rightfully owed. 

One common and simple insurance scam against both home and business owners is a “slip and fall,” where a victim claims to have slipped, tripped, and fallen due to a hazard that the owner or property manager should have been responsible for maintaining. Many of these claims are completely legitimate, as a visitor does have the legal right to expect a safe and hazard-free visit to someone else’s property. But if the details are unclear or the situation is suspicious, then it is only right that the defendant demands additional clarification or proof before agreeing to pay for these damages. 

Bernheim Kelley Battista Understands Slip and Fall Cases

We offer a free initial consultation for victims of personal injury cases. We are able to gather more details about the accident and provide victims with a better understanding of their rights and options moving forward. This consultation is as much an interview for the victim as it is for us — we will not take on a client that comes to us with a claim that raises red flags. That said, there are plenty of slip and fall accidents that take place away from the watchful eye of a security camera or eyewitness, and these victims deserve to be able to tell their story clearly and fight for what they are rightfully owed. 

If you are the victim of a slip and fall accident, you deserve to work with an attorney who understands the insurance claims process and can help you clarify your situation as you work to get the money that you are entitled to. If, however, you are attempting to scam a property owner through a falsified slip and fall claim, you can count on these lies coming to light throughout an arduous and complicated claims investigation and negotiation process. 

What We Will Help You Prove In Your Slip and Fall Case

There is nothing worse than being accused of fraudulent behavior after suffering from legitimate injuries caused by an accident that someone else caused, whether through their actions or negligence. When we work with personal injury victims after a slip and fall, we set out to prove the following:

Negligence and Liability

We set out to prove that the property owner was negligent in their management. Whether or not they were aware of the hazard that caused your accident, they should have known about it and addressed it. Addressing a hazard does not require repairing it but simply providing adequate warnings to visitors and diverting them away from the problem. This is why we so often see bright yellow signs in front of recently cleaned bathrooms stating, “WET FLOOR.”

You Didn’t Cause the Accident

While the property owner’s negligence is central in proving that they are liable for the damages you have suffered, it is also essential to prove that you did not willfully and knowingly cause the accident to fabricate a personal injury. Depending on the specifics of your situation, there are many ways that we will set out to do just this and will work closely with you to document and prove all of the ways that you have suffered (and may continue to suffer in the future) due to your accident. 

Keep in mind that insurance adjusters and personal injury attorneys alike have years of experience looking at a wide range of personal injury cases very closely and that a reputable lawyer will not take on a case that raises red flags.

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