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Fort Lauderdale Truck Accident Lawyer

Jackknife Accidents

Hurt in a jackknife accident? These crashes can cause serious injuries. It is crucial that you have a top attorney on your side. Call us now for a free case review.

Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers

At Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC, our truck accident lawyers in Fort Lauderdale have the professional skills and legal expertise to handle the full range of jackknife accident cases. We are strong advocates for real justice. If you or your loved one was hurt in a jackknife truck accident, please do not hesitate to contact us today to set up your free, no-commitment initial consultation.

What is a Jackknife Accident?

One of the most common kinds of truck accidents is when the truck “jackknifes.” Jackknifing is a term used to describe a dangerous situation where the trailer of a large semi-truck or big rig swings out to one side so that it faces backward, resembling the shape of the handle a pocket knife or jackknife makes. Research from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) shows that nearly 1 in 20 commercial truck accidents reported in the U.S. are jackknifes.

The Most Common Causes of Jackknife Accidents

Jackknife accidents can happen for a wide range of different reasons. Every jackknife in Florida should be carefully investigated. Below is a list of the most common causes of jackknife accidents:

What to Do If You Are Involved in a Jackknife Accident?

If you are involved in a jackknife accident, prioritize your safety and the safety of others. Immediately turn on your vehicle’s hazard lights and, if possible, move your vehicle out of the traffic pathway to a safe location. Once secure, call 911 to report the accident and provide assistance to any injured parties. Avoid admitting fault or discussing the accident specifics at the scene; instead, gather contact and insurance information from involved parties and take photos of the damage for future reference. Consult with a Fort Lauderdale car accident lawyer before an insurer.

What Can Passenger Vehicles Do to Avoid Being Victims of a Jackknife Accident?

Passenger vehicles, though significantly smaller than large trucks, play a vital role in avoiding jackknife accidents. Understanding a truck’s limitations and adjusting driving behavior can be pivotal. Here are some crucial tips for passenger vehicles to avoid jackknifes:

What Kind of Injuries Are Associated with Jackknifing Accidents?

Due to their large size, trucks are disproportionately likely to cause serious accidents when they crash. A 25-ton trailer can cause many severe and even fatal injuries, such as:

Financial Compensation that Can Be Recovered in a Jackknife Accident Claim

Hurt in a jackknife crash in Florida? You have the right to seek a personal injury settlement or trial verdict that covers your economic and non-economic damages. You cannot trust trucking companies or insurers to look out for your best interests. Our personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale helps jackknife accident victims seek compensation for: 

What Is the Difference Between a Jackknife Accident and a Rollover Accident?

They are two different types of crashes. A rollover involves the truck or its trailer turning over—which does not always happen in jackknife accident claims. That being said, some jackknife accidents are also rollover crashes. These can be especially serious.

Why Rely on the Florida Jackknife Accident Attorneys at BK Law

Truck accident cases can be immensely complex. It is always best to get help from professional truck accident attorneys as soon as you can—do not push it off until it is too late. Most claims have a statute of limitations after an accident. It is best to get help from one of the best truck accident attorneys as soon after the accident as possible. At BK Law, we know how to get results. Among other things, our Florida jackknife accident lawyers are prepared to: 

Call Our Florida Jackknife Accident Attorneys for a Free Case Evaluation

At Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC, our Florida semi-truck accident lawyers are standing by, ready to help protect your rights and your interests. If you were hurt in a jackknife crash, we have the expertise that you can trust. Contact us today for a free case review. With offices in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Fort Myers, Starke, and Jacksonville, we handle jackknife crashes throughout Florida.

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