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Fort Lauderdale Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer

Fort Lauderdale Swimming Pool Accident Lawyer

Swimming pools have the potential to be dangerous if property safety precautions are not taken. Contact our Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyer today.

Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers

We Handle Swimming Pool Accident Claims in Fort Lauderdale and Throughout South Florida 

Any water activity carries an inherent risk of drowning, pool time being no exception. However, far too often, drownings that could have been avoided occur due to the pool owner’s negligence. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), most drowning incidents involving children between 1 and 4 years of age occur in pools. They account for the primary cause of unintentional death in this age group.

Of course, pool drownings are not limited to children and often happen to adults. When a fatal tragedy occurs with a family member or if you fall victim to a near-drowning accident, you will need an experienced pool drowning attorney to help you with your case. At Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC, our Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyers are experienced, justice-driven advocates for victims and families. Call us today for a free, no-obligation consultation.

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What are the Most Common Causes of Swimming Pool Accidents and Injuries?

Swimming pool accidents and injuries can happen to people of all ages and can range from minor to severe. Here is a list of the most common causes of swimming pool accidents and injuries:

A swimming pool accident can potentially cause severe, even life-threatening, injuries. It is imperative that victims get immediate medical attention.

Who Can Be Held Liable for a Fort Lauderdale Swimming Pool Accident?

Swimming pool accidents are fault-based legal claims. In other words, the party whose negligence contributed to a swimming pool accident can be held legally liable for the victim’s injuries or, in the worst cases, their death. Some notable examples of parties that may be liable for a swimming pool accident in Florida include:

Before talking to the potential at-fault party or their representatives, it is in your best interest to speak to one of our lawyers. A personal injury lawyer in Fort Lauderdale who has experience handling swimming pool accident claims will protect your rights and your interests.

Evidence is key in these cases. Be proactive. Take photographs and write down what happened in your own words to avoid missing important details. You should also keep all medical documents, bills, tickets, and other expenses related to the accident.

Recovering Compensation for Swimming Pool Accident Injuries in Fort Lauderdale

Following a swimming pool accident, victims and families need the maximum available financial compensation. In Florida, swimming pool accident victims can seek compensation for both economic and non-economic damages. Unfortunately, defendants and insurance companies are not known for making the swimming pool accident claims process easy. Our Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyers work tirelessly to help victims maximize their recovery. You may be entitled to recover swimming pool accident compensation for:

What is Negligence in a Fort Lauderdale Swimming Pool Accident?

Swimming pool owners in Florida—both residential and commercial—owe certain responsibilities to their guests and to the public in general. They can be held legally liable when their negligence results in an accident. Negligence in a swimming pool accident case refers to a failure to exercise reasonable care, leading to harm to another person. What constitutes negligence in any specific case depends on several different factors. Examples of negligence in a swimming pool accident case include:

What to Know About the Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act in Florida?

Florida’s Residential Swimming Pool Safety Act is a comprehensive state statute that puts certain safety requirements on individual pool owners. Most notably, the law requires that all residential swimming pools have a barrier around them to prevent children from gaining access to the pool without adult supervision. The law applies to all new and existing residential swimming pools, including in-ground and above-ground pools and hot tubs. The barriers must be at least four feet high and must have self-closing and self-latching gates. The law also requires pool owners to display pool safety signs and to properly maintain and keep in good working order any safety equipment, such as pool covers and alarms. The law is designed to help prevent child drowning and increase pool safety.

Statute of Limitations in Swimming Pool Accidents in Florida

Were you or a loved one harmed in a swimming pool accident in Florida? You have a limited amount of time to seek justice, accountability, and compensation. The statute of limitations for a swimming pool accident in Florida depends, in large part, on the nature of the claim. Under Florida law (Florida Statutes § 95.11), the statute of limitations for a swimming pool accident injury claim is four years from the date of the accident. However, the statute of limitations for a swimming pool accident wrongful death claim is only two years from the date of the accident. Be proactive: Do not fall behind in the claims process. Consult with a Fort Lauderdale pool accident lawyer as soon as possible after an incident.

What are Pool Supervision Requirements in Fort Lauderdale?

Pool supervision requirements are derived largely from state law. In Florida, the pool supervision requirements vary based on whether it is a commercial pool or a residential pool. Residential pool owners are not required to have a lifeguard on site or to provide any specific form of supervision. However, they do have a general obligation to take due care in Florida’s premises liability laws. Florida does not require lifeguards at private pools. However, some public, commercial pools are required to ensure that properly trained supervisors (lifeguards) are on site. Ultimately, the lifeguard/supervision requirements for a pool in Fort Lauderdale are highly fact specific. If you believe that your child was injured or killed due to inadequate supervision at a pool, it is imperative that you consult with an experienced attorney as soon as possible.

Swimming Pool Accident Statistics

A swimming pool can be a great source of recreation and exercise. At the same time, swimming pools also have the potential to be extremely dangerous if the proper safety precautions are not taken. Both residential swimming pool owners and commercial swimming pool owners must ensure that their invitees are protected and that passerbys—particularly young children—are protected. Here is an overview of some of the most alarming swimming pool accident stats:

How Can BK Law Firm Help in a Pool Accident Case?

Pursuing drowning incidents without sound legal help is very difficult because they involve regulations on the state and federal levels. While a lawsuit cannot undo the harm you have endured, you will benefit from the assistance of a pool drowning attorney when trying to get compensated for the pain and suffering caused by the loss of your loved one. The pool drowning attorneys of Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC have years of experience dealing with the most complex personal injury cases. Our legal team is well-prepared to prosecute your interests when claiming compensation for a pool accident. Among other things, our Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyers are prepared to:

Swimming pool accident claims are complicated. Victims and families need personalized, attentive legal guidance and support for a qualified attorney. Our Fort Lauderdale swimming pool accident lawyers put in the time and legal resources to help our clients maximize their financial compensation. As we handle all swimming pool accident claims on contingency, there are never any upfront costs or out-of-pocket fees for injured victims.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Fort Lauderdale Pool Accident Lawyer

At Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC, a pool accident lawyer in Fort Lauderdale is ready to go above and beyond to help you secure real justice and real results. If you or your family member was injured or killed in a swimming pool incident, we are here to help you navigate the legal system. Contact us today to arrange your free, no-obligation consultation. From our Fort Lauderdale law office, we handle swimming pool accident claims throughout South Florida.

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