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Fort Lauderdale Catastrophic Injury Lawyer

Burn Injuries

If you or a loved one has suffered burn injuries that someone else is at fault for, contact us now to get the legal support you deserve.

Trusted Personal Injury Lawyers

Burn injuries range from minor inconveniences to life-changing injuries that impact the victim as well as their friends, families, and loved ones alike. The recovery from serious burns can be costly, and even a full recovery may have long-term detrimental impacts on the victim’s ability to live a normal life, which is why these types of injuries deserve compensation if they were caused by someone else’s negligence, recklessness, or malice.

If you or a loved one has suffered burn injuries from an accident that someone else is responsible for, then you may be entitled to compensation through a personal injury claim or lawsuit, and the team at Bernheim Kelley Battista, LLC is here to help.

Burn Injury


Contact BKBB Law For a Free Consultation Now

Our firm offers a free initial consultation and case evaluation for victims of burn injuries so we can get a better understanding of the support we can provide. During this consultation, we will go over the specifics of the injuries, the events that led up to the accident, the legal steps you have already taken, and explain our services in greater detail. We understand that it can be difficult to wrap your head around your legal options, especially while you are trying to come to terms with the reality of a life-changing injury like a serious burn, which is why we are here to make the process as simple as possible and help you fight for the money you deserve.

Read more about burn injuries below, and contact us as soon as possible for your free consultation and to get started on your case today.

When To Seek Compensation Following a Burn Injury

Burn injuries are handled like all other injuries in terms of civil cases, in that the specific nature of the injury is less important than the damages the injury causes, and whether or not someone else caused the injuries due to their own recklessness, negligence, or even malice. Many people believe that filing an insurance claim eliminates the requirement for a personal injury attorney, but this could not be further from the truth. The reality is that no matter what route you take — lawsuit, settlement negotiations, or insurance claim — you will likely be working against an experienced team of defense attorneys or insurance agents who are focused on one thing: saving their client or employer as much money as possible. With the added complication of your burn injury recovery, trying to take on a case like this alone is both overwhelming and stacked against your favor. 

To learn more, check out our article, Things To Know Before Talking To A Burn Injury Lawyer.

Contact Us Before You File an Insurance Claim

Often when someone decides to work with an attorney for an insurance claim, it is only after the insurance company makes a shockingly low initial offer. Realistically, the chances of a swift resolution and fair settlement agreement increase significantly when you are working with a catastrophic injury lawyer from day one. The insurance claims investigation process is designed to give the claims adjuster a number of opportunities to reduce your settlement amount, but when you have an experienced attorney handling the entire process, you can be confident that their legal expertise will help to avoid common pitfalls and errors that insurance companies capitalize on.

Determining Fair Compensation For a Burn Injury

When you file a claim with an insurance company, the insurance agent’s primary goal is to limit the final amount paid out to you, no matter how friendly they are or how pleasant your interactions with them may be. Insurance companies profit by collecting more for premiums than they pay out for claims against their clients, and each claim they handle is completed with this profit goal as the guiding principle. Your personal injury attorney will approach the claims investigation with the complete opposite target: to get you as much money as possible.

Personal injury attorneys are highly skilled in identifying all damages that their clients have suffered, as well as those that are likely in the future. Once these damages have been identified, your attorney will set out to calculate the amount of compensation you are owed for each. Damages are categorized as either economic damages or non-economic damages, and each seeks monetary compensation for a different type of damage. Economic damages include anything that has a dollar value, such as bills or impacts to your income, while non-economic damages include anything that does not have a value associated with it, such as pain and suffering or trauma.

Once your attorney has calculated the true amount of damages you are owed, they will attempt to negotiate directly with the insurance company. If they are unable to reach an agreement, the next step will be to file a lawsuit and seek compensation through the courts.

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